Thursday, March 29, 2007

PMS and creativity

I think that PMS zapps all creativity. Instead it gives me a big ole' burst of the grumpies ... the grrrrrrrrrrr's to everyone! And for some odd reason, when I have PMS I tend to "nest" like pregnant women do!

For example, this morning one of Case's refrigerator farm magnets slid under the stove. When I pulled out the drawer to get the magnet .... I saw crumbs! And dust bunnies! And more crumbs! And about four other farm magnets too. So, I hauled out the vacuum. After I cleaned that up ... I realized that I hated my kitchen curtains the way they were hanging. So I took down the middle panel. Then I realized that I hated the way my kitchen table was arranged. So I turned it sideways. And then noticed all the dust in the crevices of my chairs. So I dusted that. Then I saw something roll across the living room floor....and off I go ... chasing it with my vacuum ..... OOPS! It was Case. :) He had better watch out or I'll be getting him into the bath this morning too!


So.... PMS must equal a very clean house. And all before 9 in the morning!


Anonymous said...

This was darn cute. You should be a writer. Cat isn't bad either.

Dawn said...

next time you have pms and get the urge to attack dust bunnies and the like, will you PLEASE come to my house? I promise I will have plenty of DP and chocolate on hand! ha!