Friday, March 30, 2007

Why do boys eat dirt?

Seriously.... why do little boys eat dirt, and lick chain link fences? Is this some weird way that nature has to prepare women for the fact that they grow up to be grown men that can spread dirt through a clean house faster than a dust storm in the desert? :)

I haven't worked out since the first week in January. I haven't painted anything since late January. I haven't worked on my quilt for two weeks. Is there a pattern here? I'm such a procrastinator. I knew if I gave myself a break from the gym, that it would be hard to get back in there. BUT.... I'm going to! Losing 22 pounds has been inspiring to keep going. To be able to see a difference in the way my fat girl clothes fit is a good thing. Like my friend Dawn, I'm tired of getting clothes in the big girl section. They aren't cute clothes either ... :0

Now that my PMS has subsided. ... my house has resumed it's pre-PMS clutter. :) Oh well, it'll get cleaned in about .... four weeks. :)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

PMS and creativity

I think that PMS zapps all creativity. Instead it gives me a big ole' burst of the grumpies ... the grrrrrrrrrrr's to everyone! And for some odd reason, when I have PMS I tend to "nest" like pregnant women do!

For example, this morning one of Case's refrigerator farm magnets slid under the stove. When I pulled out the drawer to get the magnet .... I saw crumbs! And dust bunnies! And more crumbs! And about four other farm magnets too. So, I hauled out the vacuum. After I cleaned that up ... I realized that I hated my kitchen curtains the way they were hanging. So I took down the middle panel. Then I realized that I hated the way my kitchen table was arranged. So I turned it sideways. And then noticed all the dust in the crevices of my chairs. So I dusted that. Then I saw something roll across the living room floor....and off I go ... chasing it with my vacuum ..... OOPS! It was Case. :) He had better watch out or I'll be getting him into the bath this morning too!


So.... PMS must equal a very clean house. And all before 9 in the morning!