Saturday, December 20, 2008

Apple Seed

A few weeks ago, Happy and I were eating a Gala apple. When I was cutting it, a small seed fell out. Happy asked what it was. And being the eternal teacher that I am .... told him all about how it is a seed and it could grow into an apple tree. Well, Happy wanted to plant it and see. So I put the seed in between a few layers of moist paper towel, put that into a sandwich baggie and plopped it up on our kitchen window sill. After a week, I looked in there ...and lo and behold... it had rooted!
So then we planted it in a little pot ... and look what's happened in a week! We officially have an apple tree seedling! Happy looks at it each day and says "Look at my Mapple Tree!!!" (i dont know why he puts an m at the front of apple .. but its darn cute and I never correct him!).
I'll try and keep posting pictures of the seedlings and hope it keeps growing!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Teacher gifts

Ahhhh, I love Christmas being a teacher. It was fun to get some teacher gifts today ..... :) Is that bad to say out loud? I know everyone that's a teacher probably thinks it .... but I never hear anyone say it too often!

And the interesting thing to me, is that I didnt care if I got a gift or not ... and so when I did get something it was just a nice surprise .. and the ones that didnt get me anything, I still love just as much. So for those of you that cant get a teacher gift for your childs teacher ... it's totally okay. :)

We finally got our Christmas tree tonight. It was fun for Happy ... and he loved going through the ornaments and saying "coool!" and "awesome" when he found neat ornaments that looked like toys.

Not too long till Christmas. And I think I'm ready.

I have two weeks off school, but I'm working part time at a retail store during that time. But I sure hope I get enough home time to work on quilting my batik quilt top. I'm going to try and do it on my home machine and just do diagonal lines. I want that quilt for a lap quilt in the living room .. so I'm not to picky on the quilting for it. I kind of feel like my grandmother and those before her probably felt ..... needed a quilt, made it ... and quilt it up and bind it and use it!


Sunday, December 07, 2008

I'm usually a very late decorator for Christmas. We love having a real tree, but really hate the mess and watering .... so we wait until a week or so before Christmas to get the tree and put it up. Usually I just wait and put any decorations up until we get our tree.

But this year ... I jumped the gun and did it "early". Ha! I know people that have had their stuff out for weeks. i've only put things up on my mantle ... but I love it. The clutter of all the Christmas decorations drives me nuts, but this year if I do it simple ... it wont bother me like in previous years!

We'll have two trees in our house. One will be our real tree that we get the week before Christmas ... the other is our white artificial tree that is a Memorial Tree in memory of my daughter. In 30 more years, maybe my house will be covered in trees at Christmas! :)