Monday, December 24, 2007

A year in review

This Christmas night, as I sat with our almost two year old son ... I started to tell him all the Good Boy things he has done this year that Santa will be bringing him gifts as a reward for being good.

What a wonderful year for Happy! Once I started thinking of this year of his, I was bowled over by how much he's changed. I think that this will be the year he changes the most in his life. As illustrated below:

This Year Case ....

1. Learned to Walk!
2. Then learned to Run!
3. Learned to go Potty!
4. Learned to talk in complete sentences (Open the gate! I can eat Cookie! I go potty! Daddy and Mommy Funny! I talk PawPaw and MawMaw!...etc.)
5. Learned to undress himself! Ack!!
6. Learned to throw trash away in the trash can.
7. Learned good manners .... says Thank you and Please!
8. Learned that when a camera is around ... to squeeze a cheezy grin and say "CHEESE!"
9. Learned about Santa and presents and Baby Jesus!
10. Has become such a big boy, no longer a baby.

And he's a good boy. I'm proud of him. And I think that Santa will agree.

Merry Christmas. May all your years be as rewarding as Happy's Year has been!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The windows of this house are panes of a soul.
They show the heart of the home that was.
The porch of this house is the sole of the home,
that shows the love that was.
Where time left this home, it's easy to see.
Dusting off the porch, sitting in a sturdy chair ... waiting for a visit.
Although this home and the soul within is long gone,
tis not forgotten.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Happy Face

Well, I pestered my MUCH older brother (hehe) to send me this picture. He and his son (my darling handsome nephew!!) were riding fourwheelers along the banks of the river recently, and my brother managed to create this great smiley face. I just love it!!!

I had ridden back there with my son and my mom recently too ... but all I did was take pictures of the flowers and trees and water. I didnt do one thing creative!

I love this picture and hope that you all do too!