Saturday, February 28, 2009


I've always wanted to see swans in the wild. I always figured they just didnt look all that natural in a zoo setting. And recently I went with my Mom and Happy to see some swans that migrate each year to a lake north of us. It was a great day with my Mom and Happy, and we saw so many beautiful swans!
I've got a ton of photo's from our day trip. There are several that I'd like to do a watercolor painting of. One of these days, I'll have time!

I have started on Happy's bed quilt. It's going to be a vestibule pattern (or morning star). I'm still in the cutting stage ... lots of rectangles, squares! I'll show picture progress soon.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. Clean your children's finger nails and toe nails. Seriously. If they are under 5 , then chances are that their childcare provider sees the dirty, long nails and it's gross. And it looks unkept. And it's gross.

2. If you have a child that naps at school/day care ... please do not send them there wearing shoes that light up when they stomp. At naptime, they will want to stomp to see the shoes light up. Same thing about the new shirts that light up when they move ... its distracting and gets inthe way of settling down for nap.

3. If you have a child that wears pull-ups ... please only send the kind to school that have the velcro sides. If you send the kind that dont have velco sides, then we have to take off pants, and shoes every time your child needs a pull up changed ... it is annoying!

4. Dont send your child to school carrying loose change, because they think it's cool to have money. It's a choking hazard and it's dirty.

5. If you are a parent dropping off your child to school or day care .... keep it simple, and quick! The longer you stay and comfort, the harder it is when you leave. If you kiss, hug and reassure that you'll be back later .. and leave ... they are almost always better within 5 minutes!

Okay. I feel better.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long time .. no blog!

I dont know what has happened with my inability to post a new blog. I have lots of ideas ... lots of pictures ... but no time. :) Well, okay .. ... since I last posted I have become addicted to Facebook. Sigh. It's true. And, my son has become enamoured with Lego video games (okay, okay .. me too .. i love Lego Indiana Jones).

So here's some pictures and an update .. and I'm going to cut back my Facebook time!

There's always a tell-tell sign that spring is coming .... when my kitchen window ledge looks like this: A fresh picked daffodil, the "mapple" tree seedling, a violet and a rose root cutting from the early fall.

This is my pitiful little sewing space ... it's messy and unorganized. But I sure love my space. It's a dedicated space for sewing, and I can leave things out and stop and go and not have to worry about my sewing stuff being all over the kitchen table! I'll reorganize and show a picture soon!

Here are some quilts (and tops) that are draped over a headboard that we're not using right now. My goal is to finish the tops this year!

Life is good! I'll start posting more!