Friday, August 03, 2007

No Peeking!

Every time I would go work out at the fitness center, I would semi-obsess over what I was going to wear. I would do a 360 turn in front of the mirror to check and make sure that my t-shirt was long enough to cover my hiney in any position my frumpy body ended up in. So a nice, big, 3X shirt and some workout pants would be my normal workout attire. Now, why in the world I thought I had to check myself out and obsess over what i was wearing, when I always wore the same thing is silly! But hey, it's me.

Now that we have a weight set in the garage, I'm all ready to start working out at home. I'm thrilled that I could actually wear a tank top or a sports bra and shorts while I work out! Those 3X shirts were HOT! (and, by the way, I shrunk enough to need only a 2X!).

So, I'll work out in my garage ... imagining that I'm slim and trim .... wearing much less clothing that I would normally ...... so noone needs to peek in the garage door window unannounced! I'm not responsible for any lack of vision you might suffer from seeing what you may see!!!