Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Year of Quilting

I was working on putting the final border on my batik quilt, when I realized that if I can really hustle and get this one quilted .... then I'll have done 3 quilts this year! My first year of learning to quilt. I think that's great!

I don't have any unfinished quilts or projects lurking in the closet. I do, though, have a bag full of polka dot fabrics that I'll keep adding too and then I'll make a bulls eye quilt with that material. I also have started a great stash collection that is organized into strips, squares and bricks ( http://www.quiltville.com/)

Another planned project is to make a full size or queen sized quilt for Case that has lots of stars all over it. I'm not sure the exact pattern, becuase there are so many out there with stars! I think I want a fairly simply quilt ... not too many colors... just a dark and light contrast maybe.

Here are some pictures of the quilts I've done this year!

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