Thursday, August 07, 2008

I love this quilt. It was my first quilt to make. It's a small, crib sized quilt ... but its still big enough for Happy at 2 1/2 years old to snuggle up with and it will work as a good car quilt for trips for a while longer too.

I was putting Happy to bed tonight, and we both got the giggles. He was talking about bears and silly stuff and it was sweet to lay beside him on his twin sized bed and just giggle and talk in the dark. After a while, though, he started to get really worked up and laughing really hard. So I said "Shhhhh" And his eyes got real big and he looked at me and said, "Why? Who's asleep??" hahahaha.. he had a point!

Today was our dentist appt for me and Happy. He did great, again ... and walked out with two bouncy balls and two plastic lizards! All I got was a bill and a free toothbrush (and his free toothbrush!). ... and my teeth are clean too!

I fell in the yard last week, and twisted both my ankles. Then the next three days ended up working 7 or 8 hours straight on my feet! One ankle is still swollen, but neither really hurts anymore. The worst part of the whole thing, is that when I fell .... I tried to grab hold of my husbands truck to break my fall ... and I realized I couldnt keep from falling ... so I threw up my hands and took the fall like a giraffe diving off a moutain .... and my neighbor saw the whole thing through their front window and actually got to me about the same time my husband did! And my husband was IN the truck! ha! I was mortified. Still am.

So, now evertime I see that neighbor I REALLY limp and act like my ankles are really screwed up. :)

I cant figure what good size 11 feet are doing me .. they certainly dont keep me upright very well!



Dawn said...

oh no!! I can't believe you fell and hurt yourself! Britt, Hannah and I were just talking the other day about how prone I am to falling too. Did I tell you that I fell down my stairs a few months ago? Nothing really to show for it but a huge bruise.. Glad nothing but your pride was hurt too badly!!! I would have lent you my crutches for a few days but you would have looked pretty funny on my short girl crutches!!
Love you bunches

Juryizstillout said...

Take care of yourself. I hurt my knee back in April and I'm just now getting back the full use of it.

Love your quilt, btw.