Friday, January 25, 2008

Settling down

Misty River Morning - photo copyright 2005

One of the things I love at night, is the sound of my son settling down at night in his bed. After I sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and a few odd verses of Lean on Me that I love (lean on me, when your not strong, and I'll be your friend .. I'll help you carry on.... Just call on me brother, when you need a friend, cause we all need someone to lean on)... I dont know if those are the "right" words to that song .. but it fits perfectly. Like, for Sunshine we always sang You Are My Sunshine each night ...and she was certainly our Sunshine. And Happy is our little Twinklin' Star ...and I hope he always knows he can call on me/us!

I'm rambling...

So, after I sing (wouldnt THAT have been shorter to say!)..... and I leave his room.... Happy will lay on his tummy in the dark and start talking softly. Some nights it is only a few minutes of talking and sometimes it is 15 min of talking! I love to have the baby monitor on (yes, he's 2 and I will use that monitor in his room until he's old enough to move it out himself ...and then I plan on disguising it and putting it back!).... anyway. I love to listen to him talking. He talks softly and has serious tonal inflections .... up and down, highs and lows. Sometimes I can understand what he's saying and other times I just hear the sound of his little husky toddler boy voice. It soothes my soul to hear him settling down and talking about his day. He sounds content.

Maybe we should all do that to settle down? At what point in life did we stop doing that, and started laying in bed in the dark and our thoughts whiz through our heads keeping us awake for hours? What if we just spoke out loud about our day, our feelings ...... and then close our eyes and go quickly to sleep? What a difference that may make!

I wonder if I would ramble during my settling down talk?


Dawn said...

I know I ramble during my settle down talk! It's half the reason why I can't get to sleep at night! ha ha.. I love those sounds too.. My favorite is still when Elijah giggles in his sleep.. the best.
miss ya!

Juryizstillout said...

We have a whole ritual we go through: milk, pjs, teethbrushing, story, prayers, and the two questions that come up every night.

1. Is the ant coming back? (We killed an ant on the wall when he first had his room and he's NEVER forgotten it.)
2. Is the bad dream coming back?

What a sweet story! Welcome to the quilt studio ring!