Monday, November 20, 2006

Starch is Worth It!

So I took the plunge and washed my new fabric fat quarters today. I clipped a tiny piece of each corner because I heard this would help lessen the threads from coming undone. Then I put them all in the wash, small load on delicate. When I started to take them out of the washing machine one at a time.... I quickly discovered a mess! All of the fabric came out in one, big wad. I just put them in the dryer and dealt with it later. The first picture is what came out of the dryer.

After untangling the fabric, and cutting away the loose threads. I was left with what shows in pictures two and three.

After a very thorough starching, the fabric is now ready to be squared up and cut for the quilt. It now looks like the last picture!

I'm a beginner quilter, and learn by making mistakes. :) The things I learned today is that maybe I will be one of the quilters that advocates NOT prewashing fabric. Or, next time I will try putting the fabric in a pillowcase to keep if from getting jostled around so much. And I learned that that $30 can of starch was worth it!


Anonymous said...

I really hate to see you tied up in knots. ;))))

emcrorie said...

Hi! thanks for the comments on my blog. If you put your fabric in a "delicates" bag, that will help them from getting to knots like that. You can find the bags in the laundry section of most grocery stores. The just white mesh bags. Works best for small pieces like fat quarters.