Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cars and Quilts!

It's amazing how much sewing can get done while the movie, Cars, is playing! My almost two year old son has become completely enthused with that movie and would watch it ALL day long if I let him. But instead I hold out until we're BOTH bored and then I turn it on. He makes the BEST car noises I've ever heard!

Our kitchen area is partially open to the living room. So I can sit at the bar and sew, and watch him in the living room watching the movie. He usually takes little breaks and sits at the bar with me and he "colors" beside me. I dug out some old crafts that was his big sisters, and threw out the things that weren't age appropriate. He's fascinated by the big clear plastic box with all the crayons in it. I'm thinking that maybe he likes color like his Mama does!

As idyllic as this sounds ... watching him watch a movie, coloring with him and me sewing along the whole time .... it only works for snippits of time. Sometimes I feel guilty for sewing while he's watching a movie and probably rotting his brain ..... other times I just feel, well, guilty! So I sew when I can, and play more than I sew. Seems to be working out well!

Thank goodness he's suddenly enthralled with the Doodlebops! Hellloooooo sewing machine! :)
The picture is another quilt from the stack at my mom's house. This quilt was given to her by my aunt, but I'm not sure who made it. It's a very pretty nine patch!

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