Thursday, October 18, 2007


I was reading Parent magazine today, and it had an article on getting your kids ready for the time change. GULP. Time change. I dread that!

Just when Happy is sleeping sooooo goood .... I mean, good as in 8:00 in the morning good! And as soon as that time changes, we'll all be out of whack with our sleep. And to put another hitch in the whole thing, we're thinking of taking the side of his crib off this weekend and turning it into a toddler bed.

So now, we'll not only have the time change coming sometime soon .... but we'll also have a free 2 year old boy jumping OUT of bed! We'll see how it goes. Worst case scenario is that I'll have to just keep putting him back to bed until he finally realizes that I'm serious. I'll have to put on my Serious Mommy Face that first weekend ..... would be nice if it was Halloween and that could be my costume!

On the crafty, quilter side of life ... I'm still waiting to get fabric to use as a border on the batik quilt top that I finished recently. And I have two of the old quilt tops of my grandmother's to get backing fabric for and get quilted.

I have managed to acquire a stack of scrap fabric from the three quilts I've done. And I found this wonderful website: that describes a great way to organize scrap fabrics so that it's easier to use them into making a new quilt. I love the theory, and now all my scraps are organized into strips, squares and bricks!

Ahh, it takes so little to make me happy! :)

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