Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Snot and Rain

Last week Happy got a Cold. This week Happy still has the cold, but now it's rainy and cold outside .... so that's double yucky!

I really dont know how one little boy can have so much snot. When his nose starts getting snotty, he'll say "Towel! Towel" and I'll get him a kleenex or a paper towel to wipe his nose with. Now if I can teach him to blow his nose, we'll be going in the right direction!

I've been curious to know what they use to use as quilt batting a long time ago. I noticed that the old quilts of my grandmother's are very thick and heavy, which I happen to like very much. My quilts are fairly thin, which my Mom happens to like very much.

When I washed a quilt of my grandmother's the other day, I could see what was in the middle. :) I didnt ruin the quilt, but there are some very thin spots or spots where the fabric/seams have come apart. It looks like wadded up cotton, like what you'd stuff pillow forms with ... but really soft cotton. I think I need to mend this quit, because I really like it. I'd love to use it in our camper ... but we dont have a camper yet. :)

Here's some artwork I've been working on this week. I'm thinking about trying to sell again on ebay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your parrots are awewsome. I wish I could paint like you. I love your blog and your writing. :)

You know who I am...Bigelow Babe