Sunday, September 09, 2007

This is a picture taken by some friends on their trip to Cozumel this summer. I'd like to be laying on that beach with a nice, cheesy romance to read, a glass of Dr. Pepper or a chilly Mojito (if I want a nap!).

So Christmas isn't that far away. I know you're thinking that it's only September, we have plenty of time to worry about Christmas! But nooooo..... if 80% of toys are made in China and they keep having these massive recalls on toys from China because of lead .... then what are the other 20% of toys that are available that I feel safe buying for an almost 2 year old boy?! I need more time than I have to solve this problem. I mean, if he didn't put everything single thing he plays with in his mouth, I wouldn't be so concerned about where the toy was made at. But, he does .... and I am concerned. This is probably some sort of conspiracy against the U.S. for the Chinese to kill us off one by one or to turn us toxic. Do they let their kids in China play with lead infested toys?? Where is our salmonella infested spinach...I've got somewhere I'd like to send it. Okay, that was overboard..and I'm merely being dramatic. I'd never send salmonella infested spinach anywhere ... unless I have PMS and then no one is safe. :)

At least I know that Case likes trucks and tractors....and I could get him a little Ford Truck to drive around the back yard. Surely he won't attempt to eat a truck ......

And yes, he can only get a Ford truck. :)

I've decided I should post on my blog more often. It feels good to rant about anything I want to and not worry that people will think I'm nuts. :)

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