Friday, November 07, 2008


I love this picture of Happy at the beach. He was so excited to get out there, that he took off down the boardwalk and stopped just as I had my camera ready. I sure did love that vacation with my favorite boys!

I was inspired by a good friend and fellow blogger ... and today I cleaned my room too! I only got the floor at the foot of my bed cleared off ... but the things that were there are now in storage boxes in the garage ready to go in the attic! At least it's progress!

I also created a photobucket account for my preschool class, and thought that I'll take pictures through the year and post it on an account and let the parents have the password so they can see some candid shots of their kids in class!

I'm trying to pack for my girls trip. But all that's in my bag is an extra pair of jeans. I wish I could wear cute clothes ... and afford to buy them! So I'm going to finish packing and get ready for a fun trip ... hey, maybe I'll find some clothes?

1 comment:

Tootie said...

Thanks for stopping by to see me. :-) You have a cute blog and a really cute 'Happy'.