Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sesame Street

I'm from the Sesame Street generation. But I've never watched Sesame Street quite like I did today! It was rainy during our morning recess time, so we got together with another two year old class and watched some Sesame Street.

Seriously, 20 something 2 year old's all laughed out loud at the words "Bus Stop" All they had to say was Bus Stop and they all laughed. It cracked me up. And I loved to see them smile and laugh and be silly. It was nice to be with the other class too, because that's where Happy is. And during Sesame Street time, he got beside me and asked for "some sugar". I love Mama's Boys.

Because one day, he'll be too big to ask me for 'sugars' when I drop him off at school. So most days, I give him 2 or 3 or more 'sugars'. It's really for both of us. :)

I'm so much better from my 24 hr 10 lb weight loss virus. I'm carrying some immodium on my girls trip just in case, though.


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