Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Potlucks and Work Days

I'm not a fan of potlucks. Am I the only one? (well, I know my Mom isn't a fan of them either ... is it inherited! ha! ) Usually I pick at whatever I get at a potluck, and wonder if they are clean cookers .... did they scratch their butt and then knead some dough? Pick their nose, then test the cookies? I should probably get over it, but I won't! :)

Tomorrow is teacher work day. No kids at school! Whoo hoo! But, to be honest, I'm secretly (not such a secret now!) excited about teacher work day! I can't wait to have a whole day to work on my classroom .... clean out the teacher closet, organize our art supplies, label the shelves, clean and sanitize the rooms and toys and cots, and work on next month's curriculum and lesson plans.

But, along with teacher work day .... comes a Potluck. Sigh. I'm bringing green bean cassarole. I'll just cook it in the kitchen tomorrow at school. Least it was cheap to make!

Happy is spending the day with his Grandmama and PawPaw tomorrow. He went to bed tonight asking if he could just go ahead and go now! I know they will have a great time together ... and he's always happy to be there. In fact, he usually asks me to go ahead and leave once we get there!

I'm happy to have a well adjusted, Happy little boy. He sure is sweet.


1 comment:

Dawn said...

I love the picture!! I like potluck for the most part - but that's because I honestly never thought about the things you just mentioned.. so THANKS A LOT! ha ha.